Dr. med. univ. Wolfgang Niederdorfer
Dr Wolfgang Niederdorfer completed his medical studies at the University of Innsbruck. Before becoming an assistant doctor in surgery and anaesthesiology at the Diakonissenanstalt in Munich, he worked in the cardiology department at the Stiftsklinik Augustinum in Munich. Dr Wolfgang Niederdorfer completed his dermatological training in the Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology in Davos, Switzerland, and at the dermatology clinic of the Technical University of Munich in Biederstein. Dr Wolfgang Niederdorfer has been at the HAUT- UND LASERZENTRUM AN DER OPER since 1995, which he founded together with his former fellow student Dr Stefan Duve. Dr Hans-Peter Schoppelrey joined the practice as the team’s third partner in 1999. This was followed by the opening of the orientally-oriented AIYASHA medical spa in 2008, which is located directly next to the dermatological practice premises.
In addition to dermatology and allergology, Dr Wolfgang Niederdorfer is also specialised in the field of body & face contouring. What’s more, phlebology and laser therapy are included among his key areas of treatment.