PRP therapy, short for platelet-rich plasma, is the name given to a natural procedure which boosts hair growth with help from concentrated blood plasma which is taken from your own body.
The first step in this is the drawing of blood and its subsequent centrifuging. The platelet-rich plasma obtained from this is then mixed with highly-concentrated growth factors before being injected directly into the affected areas of the scalp by a doctor using a fine needle. The concentrated plasma initiates hair follicle regeneration, increases microcirculation and stimulates the hair root, thus promoting growth. Four sessions are usually necessary to stop genetic and inflammatory hair loss in the long term. One treatment lasts 15 minutes.
Where possible, no acetylsalicylic acid-containing painkillers should be taken for ten days prior to the treatment.
PRP therapy is carried out under local anaesthetic as an outpatient.
After the Treatment
You don’t have to plan in any time off. As, when it comes to plasma, we are dealing with a substance which is produced by your own body, the method is very well tolerated. Some slight redness and swelling may occur directly after the application.
Washing your hair for the first time
You can wash your hair as usual again as early as the second day after the treatment.